Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thanks for entering the NPC contest!

Hi everyone! I closed the NPC thing because I have way more than enough entries. I only need 3 or 4 for the next episode of the game, but I'll use some in later episodes too. Thanks to everyone who submitted a character! I hope you enjoy seeing whether your character makes it into the game. But don't feel bad if he or she doesn't. I'll probably end up picking them by a random lottery, since there are so many.

I just wanted to clarify the status of the Club Love game, since someone asked about it. The game is a normal part of the plot and everything. The only difference is that instead of a series of comics, it's presented as a series of interactive episodes. The whole idea is to do a game like a webcomic by updating it in little bits. Since there are various other interactive online comics, I don't think it's that much of a stretch.

But if you just want the normal comics back, then just think of this time as a hiatus. There are 3 more parts of the game, and then I'll go back to normal comics for Chapter 7. I wish that I could finish the game faster. The problem has been both underestimating of how long it takes to make a game and being swamped with schoolwork. But the school year is drawing to a close and even though I have a summer job, it should leave some time free. So even if Episode 2 takes me a little while longer, you shouldn't have to wait too long for the rest.

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