Monday, May 16, 2011

Getting there

Hi again! I've been working on the game in almost every spare moment, and I'm close to being done!

I still have to do a lot of the artwork that I mentioned last time, since I've been working on coding in all the cutscenes and so on. Some day I'd like to make a better system for adding cutscenes and that kind of stuff, but I don't have time to develop that now.

So I'm going to aim to finish everything by Wednesday night or Thursday morning at the latest. Maybe even sooner. :D

Friday, May 13, 2011


I'm on vacation now, so I've been getting a lot done! Yay! First, here are the pictures of Rob and Julie, who you didn't actually get to meet last time but will soon.

Also, I'm almost done with the minigame, which means I only have these things left to do:

  • Draw faces for Club Love in uniform and Ben and Tyler
  • Draw sprites for all the NPCs, including the ones that some people submitted :D
  • Put it all together!
So I hope I'll be done in two or three days!

Oh, I forgot to say - I found something great for people interested in making code-heavy Flash games like this one. (What I mean by "code-heavy" that is that instead of usual Flash fare like vector images and MovieClips, the whole game is code and bitmap images.) It's possible for students to get a free version of Flash Builder, which is a development environment for Actionscript based on Eclipse, if you've ever used that. I was using Flash CS3 until now, but I can only use that while I'm at school, so I had been working in a simple text editor while I was at home - but I'm glad I discovered Flash Builder, because it's more useful for what I'm doing than Flash itself. (Because of all its debugging features and so on.) So, check that out if you're interested: